5 years ago, many asked me, “what is #Hear4U trying to achieve?”
The answer was “to stop men from taking their lives by breaking the stigma around mental health” …GREAT INTENTIONS, but if the last five years have taught us anything at all, it is NOTHING IS LINEAR and SUSTAINABILITY MATTERS.
What started as a dream for change, became a COMMUNITY movement of change. Did I expect this reaction?
To be honest – not at all. Now, I would be lying if I said we didn’t worry about shutting our doors, or leaving a huge hole within Tairawhiti as a result of being unfunded. Whanau, we’ve lost countless days and our MINDS trying to sustain this healing Kaupapa. Wherever you believe in it or not, we are justifiably needed. Each week, our passionate professionals support 40+ individuals from all walks. These are individuals who are searching for additional AWHI conjunction to the clinical pathways or are needing more education based around resilience, recovery and growth. PURE PREVENTION is community sustainability.
Our main priority is YOUR WELLBEING.
Due to inflation and challenging financial times we’ve had to make some BIG changes.
Which means that each client is provided with a FREE first session, and a $50 contribution is required for sessions following this. The $50 payment will contribute towards your counselling, therapy or psychology sessions which range around $125 - $175 per hour. This has not been an easy decision, but it is based upon ensuring we continue to deliver a high level of expertise, AROHA and inspirational COMMUNITY-LED events. Our transparency is our integrity.
If you are unable to attend your session, please let us know so we can offer your appointment to someone else in need. At this stage, there will be no charge for cancellation, however we will review this on an individual basis.
We are MINDFUL times are tough, so PLEASE do not hesitate to share your struggles and limitations – because your mental health comes first.
(Krissy Mackintosh)