#HEAR4U, a registered charity nestled in the heart of Te Tairāwhiti dedicated to advocating for men’s mental health, community wellness and suicide awareness & prevention through speaking up, understanding #itsokaytonotbeokay, and rising above all judgement.
Fuelled by an ardent passion to tackle the alarming mental health crisis, HEAR4U co-founders Krissy Mackintosh, Renee Grant and Jo Ware, embarked on a journey that would has become a beacon of hope for many in the Te Tairāwhiti Region.
In 2020, Tairāwhiti had the highest suicide rates in New Zealand. Today, Tairāwhiti now has one of the lowest suicide rates. Covering urban and rural communities from Potaka East Cape to Wairoa Hawkes bay, and everywhere in between, HEAR4U stands as a testament to the unwavering commitment to decrease the suicide statistics through our tailored approach.
With a following of over 3.5k individuals - it is evident that the Hear4U Kaupapa and Mahi is very much needed.
Our charity is dedicated to Toby Fraser, and to all whanau impacted by mental health challenges and suicide.
The way we listen can really impact the lives of others. Identifying the tone, manner and delivery when someone is suffering is instrumental in allowing them to speak up, without feeling judged, pressured or anxious.
"Actions speak louder than words" couldn't be more on point. Eye contact provides reassurance that you are listening and being empathetic to a person's thoughts and situation. Nothing is more powerful than supportive physical contact either – a shoulder touch, handshake, or modern day "man hug" makes all the difference.
We all crave it. When blokes join our team, we don't want to know all the bad things they have previously done (okay within reason...) We only want to know how to support them to heal, flourish, forgive and understand – it's okay to not be okay. Everyone has a story, or something hiding in their closet, but tomorrow is always a new day at #Hear4U.
If you can't understand, then showing respect for the way someone is struggling and why, is your next best option. Not everyone is looking for answers, but who doesn't like being respected? We've heard many colourful stories, but respecting our story tellers, has enabled our team to connect, understand and positively support others.
Community is how we roll!! Families, local businesses, sponsors and friends have taught us the amazing powers of being united. The more we all take time out to learn the importance of men's mental health awareness and suicide prevention, the brighter our futures will be. No one can succeed in life alone.
Tairawhiti Super Hero Mayoral Award 2023/24
Kiwibank Local Hero Medallist 2022
Tairawhiti Men of the Year Award 2022
GDC Citizen's Civic Award Winner 2022
Movember Foundation Hall of Fame 2020
Eastland Wood Council Good Deed Winner 2021